Plant Hawke’s Bay LTD

About Plant Hawke’s Bay LTD

Plant Hawke’s Bay Ltd is a wholesale native restoration and poplar nursery in Hawke’s Bay.

The nursery specialises in eco-sourced Hawke’s Bay plants, and has recently added poplars and Himalayan oaks to its offering.

More than 500,000 plants are grown each year.

The nursery is open by appointment from Monday to Friday 7.30am to 3.30pm.

Founder and co-owner of Plant Hawke’s Bay is Marie Taylor, who won the NZI Rural Women NZ business awards in 2018 and has a QSM for services to horticulture and revegetation. She is the current chair of New Zealand Plant Producers Inc, the nursery industry body, and also chairs the Hawke’s Bay Botanical Group.

Contact Marie

Plant Hawke’s Bay Ltd

46 Omarunui Road, Waiohiki RD3, Napier 4183

Office: 06 844 1680

M: 0274 424 536