Miss Harris Tertiary Nursing Bursary

The fund aims to:

Offer people the opportunity to extend their education, specifically in nursing related courses of study.

 The following must be included with the application:

-NZ citizens, study must be nursing related at an approved tertiary institution.

- Preference will be given to applicants from smaller towns and rural areas.

- Two character references from responsible citizens to whom the applicant is known.

- Proof of course enrolment from the relevant University, Polytechnic or College.

- A copy of previous academic results.Applicants should demonstrate a commitment to study and should hold future career prospects in rural health, as well as having an interest in rural communities.

- A character reference from a responsible officer of a Rural Women New Zealand Branch outlining the circumstances of the family and the need for assistance with the applicant’s education.

This grant closes 1st of July (biennially, even-years)

This is a $1,000, one year grant.

Please email the application to enquiries@ruralwomennz.nz

or mail to:

PO Box 12-021, Thorndon,

Wellington 6144


Tertiary Bursary


Education Fund