Adverse Events Relief Fund

The Rural Women New Zealand Adverse Events Relief Fund provides financial assistance to rural individuals, families or groups with a particular emphasis on (though not limited to) supporting women and children.

Grants are available to rural individuals, families and households where there is an identified urgent need due to personal hardship, as the result of a recently declared adverse event or a state of emergency.

Community groups may apply for funding to assist communities in recovery from a declared adverse event or state of emergency.

Priority will be given to well-focused applications that directly benefit rural children, women and/or families in affected communities.

Grants are not available for operational requirements for farming or business, such as feed or seed.

Only one grant will be made per household.

The application form provides further details on the criteria for the fund and the information required from applicants.

Grants are limited to up to $1000 per application.

Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle

Rural Women New Zealand continues to support the communities impacted by the adverse weather events experienced in the North Island in early 2023. We have been delighted to provide more than $180,000 amount in grants over the last 12 months and we thank all those who have donated funds to ensure this was possible. Applications to the Adverse Events Relief Fund for these events will now only be considered where there is current urgent need. Applications will also be considered from groups who are running events to provide ongoing support in their local community.

Please email the application to

or mail to:

PO Box 12-021, Thorndon,

Wellington 6144


Scotlands Te Kiteroa Charitable Grant


Textbook Bursary